在墨西哥55 小時
(2015,美國 , 9min )
製片: Joey Schusler, Karl Thompson, Thomas Woodson
Fly to Veracruz on a Friday, rent a car, climb the third-highest peak in North America, ski down and return to your desk Monday. How hard could it be?
穿越天際的稜線A Line Across the Sky
攀登類最佳影片Best Film – Climbing
(2015, 美國, 40min)
製片: Peter Mortimer, Josh Lowell
Fitz橫越一直以來被視為不可能成功,有許多人覬覦,也有一些人嘗試,它數十年來為巴塔哥尼雅的攀登者帶來了動力。沿著指標性的Fitz Roy與稜線上的六座衛星山頭行進,這條稜線橫跨了6公里長,也穿越了4000公尺的冰雪岩地形,它以路線難尋與無止盡的垂降而聞名。Tommy Caldwell 跟 Alex Honnold抓緊一個罕見的好天氣放手一搏。在 2014年2月,這對攀登者以五天完成了首攀。
Long considered impossible, coveted by many and attempted by a few, the Fitz Traverse has fueled the imaginations of climbers in Patagonia for decades. Tracing the iconic skyline of Cerro Fitz Roy and its six satellite peaks, it spans four miles and 13,000 feet across snow and ice-covered rock, with epic route finding and endless rapelling. Seizing their chance during a rare extendedweather window, Tommy Caldwell and Alex Honnold went big. The pair completed the first ascent in a five-day push during February 2014.
(2015, 美國, 31min)
製片:紅牛媒體室, Rush Sturges
當職業獨木舟玩家Rafa Ortiz 決定挑戰尼加拉瀑布之後,他展開了一場為期兩年與整個團隊的準備之旅。他們一起從墨西哥雨林的河流出發到美國西北部的瀑布,最後終於來到了令人屏息的雷神之瀑的高潮
When pro kayaker Rafa Ortiz decides to paddle over Niagara Falls, he sets in motion a series of events leadinghis team on a remarkable two-year journey from Mexican rainforest rivers to the waterfalls of the U.S. Northwest before coming to a heart-stopping climax at the iconic falls.
最佳雪地運動片Best Film – Snow Sports
(2015, 加拿大, 31min)
製片:Anthony Bonello, Switchback Entertainment
雖然成功的機會低、風險又高—攝影師 Reuben Krabbe決心要在2015年Svalbard的月全蝕發生時,拍下一張滑雪者出現在畫面中的照片。但是卻面臨到天氣不好、嚮導粗枝大葉、工作壓力極大,而且滑雪者的心思只顧著滑雪的窘境。
The odds are low, the risks are high – photographer Reuben Krabbe is determined to capture a photo of a skier in front of the 2015 solar eclipse in Svalbard. But the weather’s bad, the guide is sketchy, the pressure is massive and the skiers just want to ski.
這些重要的地方The Important Places
最佳山岳短片Best Short Mountain Film
(2015, 美國, 9min)
製片: Gnarly Bay, Forest Woodward
Using a mix of old 16mm footage and new visuals, a son rediscovers the necessity of returning to and protecting “the important places” in our lives.
大自然正是處方簽Nature Rx
(2015, 美國, 1min)
製片:Justin Bogardus
Is life a little too mundane or overwhelming ? Feeling tired, irritable or stressed out? Maybe Nature Rx is just the ticket.
MoffatOperation Moffat
評審團特別獎Special Jury Mention
(2015, 英國, 20min)
製片:Jen Randall, Claire Carter, Alex Messenger
本片從英國第一位女性登山嚮導—Gwen Moffat多采多姿的生命經驗中,獲取了激勵與勇氣。作家Claire Carter與製片Jen Randall藉由攀爬、游泳,並且赤腳走在Gwen的土地上,擷取了她愛山甚於愛人、偏好探險甚於偏好安全、喜愛探勘甚於傳統路線的影像。
Britain’s first female mountain guide Gwen Moffat. Writer Claire Carter and filmmaker Jen Randall scramble, swim and barefoot climb through Gwen’s landscapes, grappling with her preference for mountains over people, adventure over security and wilderness over tick lists.
往北航行Paddle for the North
(2015, 紐西蘭, 27min)
製片: Alexander Behse, Simon Lucas
On an adventure of a lifetime, six young guys paddle to some of the most remote rivers in North America. It’s a 1,500 km, 63- day mission to truly discover the secrets of the north and to show the world why some places are worth preserving before they are changed forever.
美麗的臉龐Pretty Faces
(2014, 美國, 11min)
製片:Lynsey Dyer
慶祝女人在滑雪圈的興旺! 跟著她的逐夢旅程:從她是被抱上纜車椅,到她滑下第一條位在阿拉斯加的夢幻路線。
Celebrate women who thrive in the snow! Follow her as she chases snow, from the time she needs to be lifted onto the chairlift to her first Alaskan dream line and beyond.
王者之河Rey del Rio
(2015, 美國, 6min)
製片: Rush Sturges
An old river hosts a new kind of kayaking competition. The world’s best kayakers meet in Mexico to see who can huck some big waterfalls with the most style. Come on in. The water’s nice.
懸崖上的登山車VIA FERRATA on a Mountain Bike
(2015, 奧地利, 5min)
製片:Harald Philipp
Don’t look down! A mountain biker attempts some gnarly downhill lines in the Dolomites that only normal people using fixed lines and a harness would go up.
被遺忘的航行者Voyagers Without Trace
(2015, 美國, 46min)
製片:Ian McCluskey
1938年,三位巴黎人從懷俄明州的河床出發,嘗試航越惡名昭彰的格林河與科羅拉多河,展開首次的獨木舟探險之旅。他們將旅程拍攝下來,成為第一部彩色的探險影片。這部影片被埋藏了75年之久,直到Ian McCluskey無意間在路邊看到一個告示牌,才開啟了屬於他自己的發現之旅。
In 1938, three Parisians pushed off from a Wyoming riverbank to attempt the first kayak exploration of the notoriously wild Green and Colorado rivers—and they recorded their journey, creating the first colour adventure film. The reels went unseen for 75 years, until Ian McCluskey spotted the trio on a roadside marker, sending him on his own adventure to discover more.
女性速攀紀錄Women’s Speed Ascent
(2015, 美國, 4min)
製片:Keith Ladzinski, Chris Alstrin
Mayan Smith-Gobat 與 Libby Sauter知道優勝美地酋長岩 Nose路線的速攀紀錄是她們的囊中物。幾天的嘗試之後,她們把舊紀錄大幅刷新,Mayan 與 Libby 因此把她們的名字寫在優勝美地國家公園的創路線紀錄本上。
Mayan Smith-Gobat and Libby Sauter knew that the women’s speed record for the ascent of The Nose on El Cap was theirs for the taking. Crushing the old record after just a few days of attempts, Mayan and Libby put their names in the record book of the infamous route in the Yosemite National Park.